Playtest Update Demo

Share the gameplay demo video of our updated game. (Sorry for the lagging issue and I will use a better computer later to solve this)

If the video cannot help you understand what we made for the improvement (that solve the problems during the first playtest session last week), we have listed some major changes in this version:

1. Add a "Current Objective" on the left to tell the players what is the current goal. We also put a journal near our treasure box to indicate our players the main goals to unlock the treasure.

2. Add a compass to tell the direction

3. Add more glowed stones and crystals to lead our players to the three caves. (We found that many players cannot find the way to caves or back to the treasure box after exploring the cave. We hope that this change could prevent them from getting lost.)

4. Add a new features "battery slowly recharge" and distribute more battery packs to help them explore the underwater better. 

We are looking forward to your valuable feedback to help us improve our game!

Files 377 MB
Version 4 Mar 19, 2024 377 MB
Version 3 Mar 12, 2024

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